Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane Demo Farms

Mission and Objectives

Mission: to demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of conservation practice systems to reduce erosion, sedimentation and nonpoint source pollution and provide education and technology transfer opportunities for the public, farmers, land managers, agribusiness, environmental organizations, natural resource agencies and research entities.

Vision:  To create a culture that encourages collaborative efforts to restore soil health and reduce runoff pollution, improve water quality, and support a strong regional economy.

Objectives: The Dane Demo Farms objectives are to:

  • Test effectiveness of current and innovative conservation systems
  • Provide the transfer of technology and information
  • Create opportunities for partners to test research, technical assistance and program implementation on demonstration farm sites
  • Implement an information/outreach strategy to share information and lessons learned
  • Build interest and capacity to implement more conservation practices throughout the county
  • Identify barriers to implementation of practices and explore solutions with input from farmers, agribusiness, resource professionals, and other stakeholders